Is Larnaca worth visiting
Is Larnaca worth visiting

Is Larnaca worth visiting? 

Yes! If you are a lover of the sun, sand and beach, then Larnaca is most definitely worth visiting. Maybe you have never heard of Larnaca. Larnaca is one of the oldest cities in Cyprus. It is a modern port city, located on the southeastern side of the beautiful island of Cyprus. It is one of the premier seaside resorts in Cyprus. You may be asking yourself some questions before booking a trip to Larnaca, Cyprus. No worries, we have everything covered down below!

Why should I visit Larnaca?

Larnaca is a great option for travelers that love activities that revolve around sun, sea,

and sand. Larnaca is home to the largest international airport in Cyprus. So it is a great starting point if you are interested in visiting other cities or plan to travel to the rest of the country. Another great thing is that it’s not necessary to rent a car in Larnaca. Since it is a small concentrated city, walking to the restaurants, beaches and cafes is fairly easy.

There are some activities that you can do in Larnaca, which will be discussed later. If you are looking for an activity-packed getaway, then Larnaca may not be for you.

However, if what you want is a relaxed getaway with some activities, then this is the place for you! If you want to swim in the beautiful and warm Mediterranean, work on your tan, visit the rest of the island Cyprus, Larnaca is the perfect choice!

What should I know about Larnaca?

Larnaca is the third largest city in Cyprus. Larnaca is filled with such wonderful history.

It is said to go all the way back to biblical times. Over many centuries, Larnaca has been occupied by the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Ottomans, and the British. If you love history, then you will most likely fall in love with Larnaca.

Albeit a historical city, Larnaca is also known for its rich climate and sunshine. In the summertime there is almost no rainfall, only clear skies! From June to September, the temperature can go up to approximately 30ºC. The winters in Larnaca are soft. There can be up to mild rainfall and temperatures can reach a maximum of 18ºC. 

What activities are available to me? 

There are some activities available to you in Larnaca, Cyprus. You have a variety of options to choose from: museums/art galleries, beaches, cooking classes, nature tours and scuba diving.

Why don’t we talk about a few of those. First, the museums. One very special place that we would like to mention is the Larnaca Medieval Castle, also called Larnaca Fort. 

It is believed to have been built during the Middle Ages. This museum contains antiquities from the Early Christian period, medieval pottery from the Byzantine and Islamic era, utensils, weapons, and helmets. 

Another place to visit is the church of Agios Lazaros. Located in its own square in the town centre, this church is one of the most remarkable examples of Byzantine

architecture in Cyprus. It was first built in the 9th century and then later restored in the 17th century. It is said that Saint Lazarus came to Cyprus after being resurrected by Jesus. The church of Agios Lazaros lies over Saint Lazarus’ tomb. After visiting the church, stop by the Byzantine museum. This museum includes religious icons, artefacts and relics. 

Just a 40 minute drive from Larnaca is an underwater museum. Yes, you read that correctly. An underwater museum! This amazing sculptural museum is underwater.

This requires you to scuba dive or simply snorkel through. It is called MUSAN and this magical underwater forest was created by acclaimed British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor. This phenomenal underwater exhibit acknowledges the beauty and history of Cyprus. 

If you like to walk, it is worth visiting the Larnaca Salt Lake. It is a complex network of four salt lakes of different sizes. Not only will you be admiring the salt lakes, you will

also be mesmerized by the stunning birds that populate the area. You will be surprised to know that there are about 85 species found here! If you visit Larnaca in the winter

time, get your cameras ready to take pictures of flamingos! 

What is Larnaca local cuisine like? 

The food in Cyprus is known to be one of the many finest foods in the world. You will be surprised with an abundance of spices, flavors, and a variety of fruits. Many

popular crops in Cyprus are apples, oranges, lemons, carobs, and olives. And Cyprus is very proud of their olive oil! They claim it is the healthiest olive oil in the world. 

Do you love cheese? They love cheese in Cyprus! You may be familiar with some greek cheeses. Feta and halloumi cheese are the most famous ones.

What would you eat on a typical day in Larnaca, Cyprus? For breakfast you may eat some of the cheeses mentioned above, fresh figs, tomatoes, fresh psomi bread, and yogurt honey. 

Next, we have the main courses. Many of the dishes you will find in Cyprus contain meat like pork and sausage. If you are not a meat lover, then you will be happy to know that Larnaca has an abundance of fish. Remember, Larnaca is a port city, so fish is of course a specialty of theirs. 

If you are not a fan of fish, there are many other seafood options. Mussels, squid, and octopus are in abundance and delicious as well! 

You will be happy to know that there are plenty of delectable restaurants at your disposal. It is always a good idea to visit websites like Tripadvisor to read reviews of the many restaurants to choose from. 

Book it!

So are you convinced yet? Larnaca, Cyprus is a wonderful choice that you will not regret. Just to summarize, it is a great place to land, relax on the beautiful beaches, enjoy the gorgeous palm tree seafront, eat delicious cuisine, and visit other parts of the island.
Look up Larnaca next time you are planning on booking your next trip and you will see how truly amazing Larnaca, Cyprus is!

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